.. _config-templates: Configuration Templates ======================= The following sections include configuration templates for certain deployment types. The example configuration files are also available in the Kea sources, in the ``doc/examples`` directory. .. include:: template-power-user-home.md Some tweaking of these templates may be required to match specific system needs: at a minimum, the lines highlighted in yellow must be adjusted to match the actual deployment. Server1's Control Agent configuration file: .. literalinclude:: template-power-user-home-ca-1.conf :language: javascript :emphasize-lines: 9, 12 :linenos: Server1's DHCPv4 configuration file: .. literalinclude:: template-power-user-home-dhcp4-1.conf :language: javascript :emphasize-lines: 25,76,81,121,133,147,151,154-158,166-180,190-199 :linenos: Server2's Control Agent configuration file: .. literalinclude:: template-power-user-home-ca-2.conf :language: javascript :emphasize-lines: 9, 12 :linenos: Server2's DHCPv4 configuration file: .. literalinclude:: template-power-user-home-dhcp4-2.conf :language: javascript :emphasize-lines: 25,76,81,121,133,147,151,154-158,166-180,190-199 :linenos: