.. _intro: ************ Introduction ************ Kea is the next generation of DHCP software, developed by Internet Systems Consortium (ISC). It supports both the DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 protocols along with their extensions, e.g. prefix delegation and dynamic updates to DNS. This guide covers Kea version |release|. For information about supported platforms see :ref:`platforms`. .. include:: platforms.rst .. _kea_software: Kea Software ============ Kea is a modular DHCP server solution. This modularity is accomplished using multiple cooperating processes which, together, provide the server functionality. The following software is included with Kea: - :iscman:`keactrl` — This tool starts, stops, reconfigures, and reports the status of the Kea servers. - :iscman:`kea-dhcp4` — The DHCPv4 server process. This process responds to DHCPv4 queries from clients. - :iscman:`kea-dhcp6` — The DHCPv6 server process. This process responds to DHCPv6 queries from clients. - :iscman:`kea-dhcp-ddns` — The DHCP Dynamic DNS process. This process acts as an intermediary between the DHCP servers and external DNS servers. It receives name update requests from the DHCP servers and sends DNS update messages to the DNS servers. - :iscman:`kea-admin` — This is a useful tool for database backend maintenance (creating a new database, checking versions, upgrading, etc.). - :iscman:`kea-lfc` — This process removes redundant information from the files used to provide persistent storage for the memfile database backend. While it can be run standalone, it is normally run as and when required by the Kea DHCP servers. - :iscman:`kea-ctrl-agent` — The Kea Control Agent (CA) is a daemon that exposes a RESTful control interface for managing Kea servers. - :iscman:`kea-netconf` - kea-netconf is an agent that provides a YANG/NETCONF interface for configuring Kea. - :iscman:`kea-shell` — This simple text client uses the REST interface to connect to the Kea Control Agent. - :iscman:`perfdhcp` — This is a DHCP benchmarking tool which simulates multiple clients to test both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 server performance. The tools and modules are covered in full detail in this guide. In addition, manual pages are also provided in the default installation. Kea also provides C++ libraries and programmer interfaces for DHCP. These include detailed developer documentation and code examples.